
Leverage Location Flexibility to Acquire Critical Talent

Guide your location strategy with labor market insights.

Download the Location Strategy Guide
Learn five actions HR can take to support location strategy.
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Location flexibility has become a foundational EVP offering.

More than two-thirds of job candidates who currently work onsite would prefer to work in a hybrid or remote model, while 97% of hybrid or remote workers prefer working in hybrid or remote models. To remain competitive, HR leaders must ensure that their talent acquisition strategy evolves with candidate preferences.

To attract in-demand roles and skills, HR teams should use labor market data to track flexibility trends, benchmark hybrid and remote work offerings in competitors’ job descriptions and review location flexibility messaging as part of their EVP.

This TalentNeuron™ report dives into how you can leverage labor market insights to:

  • Identify how employers are advertising flexible work in their job descriptions.
  • Analyze which functions, roles, and skills are most frequently advertising remote work as part of their EVP.
  • Assess a variety of data-driven solutions to leverage flexibility to acquire critical talent.

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