
Mind the Blindspot

Why Your Workforce Strategy Requires External Talent Data

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Attracting and Retaining Talent is still the number one focus area for CEOs. CHROs must therefore create robust workforce strategies for the short and long term.

For far too long, workforce strategy has been built solely using internal talent data, which is insufficient to determine whether to buy, build or otherwise acquire key skills, and assess where to locate. HR has developed blindspots hampering its ability to plan and advise leaders.

Download this presentation to gain insights on how to:

  • Identify the 6 blind spots that plague talent decisions and how they can impact your organization’s future
  • Discover why your internal data, while valuable, is only a piece of the puzzle; you need external talent intelligence to make informed decisions
  • Move beyond HR silos to business led data organizing principles and integrate external talent data seamlessly into your decision-making processes

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