
Top Existing and Emerging Hubs for Tech Talent

Gain insights into top global existing and emerging Hubs for Tech talent based on in-depth labor market analytics.

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Future proof your critical tech talent strategies
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In today’s rapidly digitizing landscape, where industries are embracing technology and the competition for skilled professionals is fierce, it’s vital to secure top talent that aligns with an organization’s requirements and budget.

To stay ahead, it’s crucial to have in-depth insights into the labor market, enabling effective short and long-term talent strategies.

This research equips executive leaders with comprehensive global data on talent availability, demand, competition, and costs, empowering informed decision-making for workforce and location planning.

Use the data in this report to:

  • Assess existing tech talent locations to review future tech talent investment
  • Identify potential future office locations to hire critical tech talent and diversify your IT centers
  • Identify potential locations to source talent for hybrid work

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